Accidents and Incidents
This page has some of the worst days of Continental
documenting some of the Accidents and Incidents
I have included some of the Accident Reports as well.

Convair 240

Manhatten, Kansas

Aircraft slid off runway. Nine Passengers with no
Captain "Gordy Nygren" First Officer "Steve Grimes"
Kansas City Downtown Municipal Airport
Flight 12 LAX - ORD July 1, 1965
Boeing 707-124 Registration # N70773


Continental Air Lines Flight 12 departed Los Angeles on a scheduled flight
to Chicago-O'Hare with an intermediate stop at Kansas City. Following an en
route descent, the flight began an ILS approach to runway 18 at Kansas City
After passing the outer marker the flight was cleared to land straight in on
runway 18. The wind was reported to be from 070 degrees at 7 knots. During
the approach the flight crew encountered light rain and light to moderate
turbulence. The windshield wipers were turned on, full flaps were lowered,
and the approach continued. Touchdown was within 5 knots of the airspeed
specified for the gross weight, and between 1,000 and 1,200 feet past the
approach end of the runway. Heavy rain was noted at that point. Immediately
after a "firm" touchdown, the nose gear touched down. Brakes were then
applied, the spoilers were raised, and reverse thrust was applied to 80
percent. After the aircraft rolled approximately 4,000 feet, reverse thrust
was increased to 100 percent. The aircraft did not slow down as expected and
went off the end of the runway cocked about 30 degrees to the left, at an
estimated 40 knots. The right wing struck the blast mound and the aircraft
slid up over the mound and came to rest with the nose section in the
perimeter road between the blast mound and a river levee.
PROBABLE CAUSE: "Hydroplaning of the landing gear wheels, which precluded
braking effectiveness."
Crew - 6 Passengers - 60
Fatalities - 0

Read Accident Report
Denver Colorado
Flight 240 Tuesday November 19, 1968
Boeing 707-324c Registration #N17325

Flight 240 ,While descending towards Denver, an explosion occurred in
the lavatory, followed by a fire. A safe emergency landing was carried out.
The passenger, seen leaving the lavatory just before the explosion, was
arrested by the FBI.
Boeing 727-200 Registration #N88709
Main Gear Collapse
Captain - Bill Lively
Flight Attendants- Sue Abbott,Jamie Rayan,Becky Moralez (Cruz)
DPS-Bill Day

Continental Airlines Saberliner
Montrose, Colorado April 13, 1973
Registration # N743R

bringing Bob and Audrey Six to their Colorado ranch, the Sabreliner crew
departed MTJ, for the return flight to Los Angeles (LAX). The
Sabreliner descended shortly after takeoff from 1,000 feet, struck the
ground, and was destroyed.
A Continental Airlines Sabreliner, Model NA-265-60, N743R, crashed shortly
after takeoff from Montrose Airport, Montrose, Colorado, at 1635 m.s.t., on
April 13, 1973. The two pilots were killed, and the aircraft was destroyed
by impact and fire. Witnesses saw the aircraft climb straight off the
runaway to about 1000 feet above the ground, make a shallow right turn, and
then begin a left turn which steepened as the nose dropped. After the crash,
an examination of the left engine revealed that the left engine thurst
reverser was in the deployed position. The National Transportation Safety
Board determines that the probable cause of the accident was the continued
operation of the left engine at climb power after an unwanted in-flight
deployment of the left engine thrust reverser, which resulted in a
deterioration of aircraft performance.
Denver Stapleton Airport
Flight 426 DEN-ICT August 7 1975
Boeing 727-224 Registration #N88777

Continental Air Lines Flight 426 crashed after takeoff from the
Denver-Stapleton International Airport, Colorado. The aircraft climbed to
about 100 feet above runway 35L and then crashed near the departure end of
the runway. The 134 persons aboard the aircraft survived the crash; 15
persons were injured seriously. The aircraft was damaged substantially.
At the time of the accident, a thunderstorm with associated rainshowers was
moving over the northern portion of the airport. The thunderstorm was
surrounded by numerous other thunderstorms and associated rainshowers but
none of these were in the immediate vicinity of the airport

Read Accident Report
New York La Guardia Airport
Flight 795 LGA-DEN March 2 1994
MD-82 Registration #N18835

Prior to takeoff, the aircraft was deiced. The aircraft taxied to runway 13
and started the takeoff roll at 17:58:36. At
60 knots, the indicated airspeed appeared to stop increasing. The
airspeed indicator increased once from 60 knots to 80 knots, then returned
to 60 knots. Takeoff was aborted at 17:59:23. Brakes were ineffective and
the airplane ran off the end of the runway, coming to rest on a dike and a
tidal mud flat.
PROBABLE CAUSE: "The failure of the flightcrew to comply with checklist
procedures to turn on an operable pitot/static heat system, resulting in ice
and/or snow blockage of the pitot tubes that produced erroneous airspeed
indications, and the flightcrew’s untimely response to anomalous airspeed
indications with the consequent rejection of takeoff at an actual speed of 5
knots above V1."
Crew - 6 Passengers - 110
Fatalities - 0
Houston, Tx Intercontinental Airport
Feb 26, 1996
Flight # CO1943
DC-9 Registration # N10566

The airplane slid 6,850 feet before coming to rest in the grass about 140
feet left of the runway centerline.The cabin began to fill with smoke, and the captain ordered the evacuation
of the airplane.There were 82 passengers, 2 flight crew members and 3 flight attendants
aboard the airplane.No fatalities or serious injuries occurred: 12 minor injuries to passengers
were reported.
The following factors contributed to the accident: The flight crew's failure
to properly complete the in-range checklist, which resulted in a lack of
hydraulic pressure to lower the landing gear and deploy the flaps;and the
flight crew's failure to perform the landing checklist and confirm that the
landing gear was extended:

Read Accident Report
Newark International Airport
June 7 1997
Boeing 727-200 Registration # N571PE

The Boeing 727-200
overshot the jetway and hit the US Air terminal building
The aircraft was being moved from the maintenance area to the terminal.
Newark International Airport
Gate 114 Terminal C.
June 14. 2000
MD-81 Registration # N16884

During the early hours of the morning engineers
were carring out work on the aircraft
which involved removing and replacing the centre console light panel around
the throttle quadrant.In order to perform this work,the throttle levers had been placed in the
full power position and,to silence the take-off warning horn,the circuit breaker was pulled.After this work had been completed, another engineer, who was tasked with
trouble shooting
a reported engine oil quantity discrepancy, began carrying out an engine
run, apparently
without reference to the "Pre Power On" portion of the Taxi / Towing
The Checklist, in part called for the checking of circuit breakers, thrust
levers to idle and parking brake set, none of which was apparently done.Consequently, when the left engine was started with its thrust lever in the
full power position,the aircraft jumped its chocks and ran foreward into the terminal building.The engineer and seven cabin cleaners who were on board sustained minor
injuries in the incident.
Greenville-Spartanburg, South Carolina
May 6, 2011
Boeing 737-800
Registration #

This Continental Airlines Boeing 737-800 (N2221) was
coming out of the Greenville airport in the state of Mississippi where it
had been completely repainted. Two pilots came to take possession and drove
for a positioning flight to Houston, Texas. From that day, the plane would
continue its career in the colors of United Airlines after the merger of it
with Continental. No passengers or other crew members were on board.A faulty
water pipe caused erosion under the tarmac leaving the concrete
unsupported. Under the weight of the plane, a slab gave way. The left
landing gear fell into the hole and was twisted backwards. The reactor and
the left wing hit the ground and the plane came to a stop.Safe and sound,
the pilots were able to escape from behind.
"I guess the plane just didn't want the name United on it"


New Zealand

George Bush Intercontinental Airport
Houston,Texas. November 26 1994
Boeing 737-300 Registration # N11244

"What you dont like the new colours"
Manchester, England
Sunday March 8 , 1998

249 passengers had to be evacuated from their aircraft just before
fuel was spotted leaking from an engine.