Continental Airlines / Air Micronesia Yap Airport
Caroline Islands
Flight 614  November 21, 1980
Boeing 727-92c  Registration #N18479

Continental Airlines/Air Micronesia, Flight 614, a Boeing 727-92C, N18479, crashed while attempting to land when the right main landing gear separated from the aircraft. The aircraft touched down 13 feet short of the runway.  It gradually veered off and came to rest in the jungle about 1,700 ft beyond the initial touchdown. Fire erupted along the right side of the aircraft as it came to a stop. All 73 on board escaped before fire destroyed the aircraft.  Only three received injuries.

The remains are the only photos available

Captain - M.G. "Jocko" Harris
First Officer - Tom W. Green
Second Officer - J.S.Longo

Read Accident Report

Accidents and Incidents