Continental's Honolulu Base
"South Pacific Flying"

*Greg Jefferson* *Maria Satourio* *Beka Wenke* *Bebe McCarry*

*Kathleen Erickson* *Robin ?* *Maria Satourio*

*George Vega* *Maria Satourio* *Beka Wenke*

*Paul Moet*

*Thad Flores*

*Maria Satourio*

*Bebe McCarry*

*Toni Brown* *Jessica Harris*

*Dale Carlson* *Dan ?* *Bob ?*

*Young Harold Roberts*

The final Continental Airlines Flight Leaving Auckland,New Zealand

The final Continental Airlines Flight Leaving Sydney,Australia

*Marc Ingram* *Sharon Foutty* *Dave Domenghini*
*Rae Nicholls* *Janet Roubik Kinneberg*

*Shari Leake* *Leslie Stroud* *Rocco Piganelli* *Lois Werner*
*Cindy Martin* *Marlys Payne* *Janet Roubik Kinneberg*
Tahiti Layover 1987

*Just a Few Famous People*
*Bill Clinton*
*Phyllis Diller*
*Travis LaRoache* *Dolly Parton* *Dale Carlson*

*Kato Kaelin*
O.J.Simpsons Neighbor

* Jacques Cousteau*
Explorer and Captain of the Ship "Calypso"


*Oh Shit*

*Patty Sylvester* *Michael Blaylock*

"Marvin Glover" "Dian Mielk" "Roger Briggs" "Dru Mato"

"Travis LaRoache"


"Julia M Carson"

"Julia M Carson"

"Julia M Carson"

"Kim Cooper"

"Maria Munar" "Roxanne Flemming"
"Alan Hale Jr "
The Skipper "Gilligans Island"

"Nina Feed" "Matt Giger"

"Paul Moet" "Gloria Greene" "Robert Cartwright" "Leeanne Glasgow"

"Susie Marsh"

"Gloria Ah Sam" "Harold Roberts " "Diane Mielk" "Mark Barbado"
"Carole Massie" "Tom Chisholm" "Krista Kelley" "Kelly Drake"
"Al Turqueza"
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